I guess I never fully believed you would leave.
I never would think you would walk away, and leave everything you have here behind.
But, I guess you might.
The people, the teachers, the school. You'll go away, and all this will be was a memory.
A memory of laughs, cries, fights.
It will all just be one big memory.
I will just be one big memory.
I don't want to be just a memory. I want to be the past, the future, the present.
I don't want you out of my life.
Your my best friend. Don't you get that?
Without you, there is no me.
Remember our plans? Those won't happen anymore.
I hate to say it, but you'll forget me when you go.
Your a superstar, you know?
Well, you always have been in my eyes.
And I'm sure in everyone else's.
But, you were my
But, I guess every superstar has
15 minutes of fame,
right?Well, I guess our's is over.
Pack your bags, and come over to my house.
Well run away, and pretend everything's okay.
Well drop stardust to make sure we know the way home.
And, if we get lost.
I'll have the stardust to remember you by.