We slept in the kitchen, the fridge located right next to the sheets we had put down.
It was hot, and everything was slowly getting covered in sweat.
It was late, and all her mother could hear was our giggles. With her, everything was funny. She gave my abs a workout from laughing so hard. The house was cozy, that's for sure. Paintings or collages were hung upon the wall. It was very home like. This was her home, as she said my home was her home. I felt it was was true. First night, I was sick and music was our only escape from this little town. We were so used to the lights, to the loudness that this felt wrong. Yet, at the same time so right. Our reality was so far away. Tomorrow, another will join our hectic week adventure in the place we both don't understand. He was the boy I got over in our time here. The boy who took my heart, and never in his life was planning to give it back. Then, when I got here I found it. Don't know exactly why it was planted in this little far away town, but it was. So, finders keepers losers weepers as I said when I was a child. It was mine, and it was mine to keep. He will come down here tomorrow, and he will watch me dance and smile, like he's never seen. He will not take my heart away again. This week will only consists of laughter and smiling.Something I haven't been doing much of. Most of the time will be spent, in a place where the water is a sharp blue. The water is almost freezing, but odd enough it's comforting. Her little brother will join us for one of the days we are here. With a little boy, as cute as that, you can't help but smile.
I turn 16 within the next month, and I can tell you now,
This summer will be the summer I'll always remember.
These will be the moments I will always remember.
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