
Look At The Stars And How They Shine For You

I watch the sun go back to bed, waiting for the darkness to cover the light blue sky.
I wait, and I wait. I usually get really impatient, so I start dancing with the fireflies.
We dance, and we sing until the black cover finally covers the sky.
When it does, The fireflies lead me to a place where I met you.
The fireflies fly around your face, and your glowing.
You blush, and we both smile. The fireflies soon leave, and we're on our own now. 
We walk, and talk about space, and what's beyond all of us. 
We finally decided to lay down, and we stare at the stars, and we count them.
One, two, three.
But, I get lost in thought. I stare at you. 
Here it comes. All of a sudden, I feel like the fireflies all flew into my stomach, and my heart is on overdrive.
I try to relax. You then look at me, and point to the sky, and say 
" Hey look!"
A shooting star crosses the sky.
"Quck make a wish!" 
You whisper in my ear.

- My wish :  I won't ask for much. Ever. I just want him.

But wishing's just no good, 'cause I just know you won't see me the way I wish you would.
" So, what did you wish for?"
 You turn your head and look at me.
You're pretty blue eyes hypotize me.
" It won't come true if I tell you"
 I slowly respond.
" Well, if you don't tell me how am I suppose to make it come true? "
I blush.  You always do know what to say don't you?
" You don't need to make it come true. It's not your responsibility."
Then, you said this.
The word's I'll never forget ever. 

" I thought that's what you did when you were in love with someone. Try to make all there dreams and wishes come true.
Excuse me, if I was wrong. I've never been in love before.. you're the closest I've ever had.. and I don't want to lose this."

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