I finally came out and said the truth. I couldn't stand being unhappy anymore.
I finally was ready to end it. End something that once was my fairlytale. End something that once was the most important thing to me. I said it, I couldn't handle being around you, and you holding me, while inside I felt pain, and sorrow. I thought we could sit around and talk for hours, about the things you needed to understand, but you already did. You knew exactly what you were doing wrong. But, see you know my heart. You knew, my jelous heart just couldn't take it anymore. The only thing I could say to you was " I'll be okay, is that what you want me to say? It's called break-up cause it's broken, isn't it?" and with that, our whole relationship, our whole thing we kept fighting for. Ended. All in a split minute.
The only thing now, is that my house is haunted, I swear it is, but what do I care if it's your ghoust thats in my room? Why would I care if someone so amazing, that made me happy for a very long room, haunted it. I don't know. The only thing that bothers me is that.
I see you, but I can't touch you. I can't satify myself anymore. I can't get the craving I want anymore. It's killing me. Slowly.
I mean, here's the truth. I miss you. I miss you so much. Everything I do, reminds me of you. I can't. I don't want to, do this without you.
But, on the other hand I know it's only right to move on. It's only right to forget the feeling I got from being in your arms. To forget the feeling I got when you said you loved me, when you said you wanted to be with nothing but me. I have to forget about these feelings. I have to just let it all go.
I still care about you more than you could understand, but I don't want to prove that.
I don't want you to be scared of me now ; like I am of you.
I'm scared of you, because letting you go as a boyfriend is differant then letting you go as a friend.
If you were my friend and I didnt like you - you'd be gone.
But, you were special to me, very special, and I don't think you understand that,
when you find someone that special, letting go is the hard part.
But, deep down I know.
I'm better off without you anyways.
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