A girl.
The average outcast girl.
With the short odd coloured hair, the face with the strange features, and the clothes that just never matched.
That was you.
And, yes at first it was cool to have a friend that was outcasted. That didn't have much, or I thought didn't have much.
Until, I knew you're reality.
Until, I knew the way you worked.
Let's start the story out from the beginning.
I was the popular girl at Riverdale High, the "Rich" High School, as alot of people would say. It was full of preps, and snobby little bitches, who I swear got into buisness when they really didn't need to know.
You were at McKenzie School of Arts, the " Openly Gay" High School. You had been in selected to be part of the Literary Arts program, back when you were in the 9th grade. Personally, I wasn't sure why you were there, because your writing didn't have much class to it. But either way. That's where you went.
Then, I met him.
He was the dork at my school. The guy who joined chess club, and swim team. He was the guy who had no friends, but said " Hi" to about everyone in the hallway. You'd always seem him studying for something. If you really looked, he was beautiful. And, I noticed it in the second semester of Grade 9. He sat a couple rows in front of me in my Science Class, and I was just so drawn to him. So I invited him to have lunch with me, and my best friend at the time. He was shy at first, but at the same time he looked comfortable. The more we talked, the more we knew about each other, and the more we knew about each other, the more interested we got in each other. After 2 weeks of knowing Drew, he had asked me out. The popular girl, and the dork of the school, were dating.
But, there were people I had yet to meet.
You and Drew had been best friend since the 8th grade, and hung out all the time. His friend were all at McKenzie, and he wanted to go there aswell, but his parents wouldn't have let him.
There was a party one night, and that was the night I met you.
I was chatting it up with everyone, got to know names, " Abby, Harleigh, Janie .."
I walked to Drew, and he introduced me to you.
" Hailey, this is Roxy"
I looked at you strange, but we became instant friends.
We hung out many times after that party, and our friendship just kept growing.
Drew started to get kinda upset, because Roxy had been his friend, and when we fought she was his only getaway.
But, he soon got over it.
A couple months later, Drew and I broke up, and I was devasted, althought I was the one who did it.
I talked about Drew alot, and because you knew him well, you were a great shoulder to cry on, or at least I thought you had been.
Months passed, and I was still hung up on Drew, but we had been best friends, and it worked out. I still spent time with him, we watched movies together like we used to, we did everything, just like we used to. Just there wasn't that connection anymore. No more kissing. But, we sometimes still did hold hands. I began to grow used to it. And soon, another love came my way.
But, for the months I had been so hung up on Drew,talking about how special he was, how well he treated me, you fell in love with him. And decided not to mention anything to me. Kept it your own little secret.
And, when I found out you wanted to have sex with Drew, things went a littl overboard.
My trust for you had now been completely broken, and suddendly things had been broken.
I hated you, with great passion.
And, I ended our friendship.
Now? What's happening?
You told me you cried everynight, because we weren't friend, and I felt bad for you, so I said we could friends again. Little did I know that was a bad idea.
You talk about Drew 24/7, and He know has a great girlfriend.
Drew, and I are still best friend, always telling each other everything.
Drew now hates Roxy, because of the obsession over him.
And, me? Well, I start to hate Roxy a little more everyday now.
She just doesn't know.
But, she will soon.
It's funny, because I know exactly who you're talking about. And it's honestly so funny. I actually bursted out laughing during class. (:
Love yoou <3