"I said I'll always be here, even after we break up. But, I'm not anymore"
And, you left. With those words, you walked out of my life.
You left me to cry by myself. Cry for days and days, trying to figure out what I was suppose to do without you. You had been in my life for so long and without you, I'd be completely lost. Suddendly, I woke up.
It had been a dream. Just something I was worried about happening. It was unreal. I woke up, and sat there for 5 minutes, trying to figure out why that dream occured. I thought I was over you. You didn't matter anymore. I mean you don't. I am over you, and you don't matter. Maybe, I just lied to myself. But, you won't know that. There's been so many oppertunities for me to just let you go and leave you behind. Let both our worlds go back to the way it was when we didn't know each other, but I didn't want that. I want you in my life. Well, actually it's more like I need you. I need you you to teach me what I need to live my life. I can't do it on my own. I don't know how to. I rememeber live before you. Where drugs and alchol took away pain, and the little things that should've mattered alot, just didn't. Things didn't mean anything. People didn't mean anything. Until, you came along, and showed me right from wrong, and left from right. You taught me how to laugh, and how to smile. I mean, really laugh and really smile. They weren't fake like they had been for so long. They were real, and it felt good. You taught me how to care, taught me to trust again. You taught me how to live. I mean to you, the sky was whatever colour you wanted it to be, and I wanted to be able to do that to. But, all I could see was that plain old blue sky, but you gave me the courage to keep going, and trying to find all those other colours. And, because of you. I did.
I found every colour possible, and things seemed so unbelievably magical. You were magic. Like the magic that flows in a magical kingdom while a princess waits for her prince. I waited, and look who came to me. You did.
So, there's the story.
Just one last question.
Will you be my prince charming?
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