"You look like the girl from a movie I saw once."
I say to a girl I see sitting on the side of the street.
She was in torn up clothing, and her hair was a mess.
Although you might not be able to see past it, she looked intellegant.
Smart even. As I starred at her, once she had spoken these words.
She shinned brighter than any star I had ever seen.
" I am that girl in the movie. But, I think money and fame don't give you anything. I might live in rags, and I may not shower that often, but I can tell you now I'll never be happier than when I sit right here. You don't need money to find happiness. You can buy your happiness, or you can have it delievered to your soul. I find my happiness, and it might be on the street. But I have people who love me, and care for me. I gave the money I made in that movie to kids who need it. I know I could use it, but they are the future, and to help them get better, or to fufill one of there dreams makes me feel like I made a differance in this world. "
And, after I heard those words I realized.
She's gaven everything she has, yet is still happy.
That day I got hope, and faith.
And, whenever I see the brightest star in the sky I think of the lady I talked to that day.
That's her star. No, actually that's her.
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