We used to play tag me and you.
One day you were it, and you pinpointed everything about me, next day my turn and so on.
But, we got older, and the game changed.
Follow the leader became the newest trend. But, of course I was always the one getting followed, seeing as I was the oldest one, correct?
See, the grown up has to be the leader, because if the child is the leader, they'll do something stupid, and the grown up will have to follow.
But, after days and days, I got bored. But the thing is, you didn't stop.
I didn't want to play anymore, because having a replica of me, just wasn't fun anymore.
I walked around everywhere with you mimicing my every move. You spoke almost every word I spoke, and I just kept getting more furious with you. You needed to learn to be yourself, and not me. As time passed by, I changed. I decided to play a game with you to see if whatever way I change, you follow. I used to be confused and upset all the time. Things were just so complicated, and I felt that nothing would change. But I'm a teenager, what do you expect right?
As I grew up, you attempted to as well.I won the game.
But you can't just grow up. I'm older. I'll be out in the world before you are.
I found myself, but your so tangled up in being what you think you should be, that your too afraid to realize I want my best friend back. Leave the twin behind.
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